We’ve moved to Bair Island, Redwood City from our old haunts in Googleland on Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View.
Our office is a bit more developed than this lovely picture of Bair Island State Marine Park. Or at least they promise that it will be completed and liveable tomorrow when the movers arrive. This is what it looked like this morning.
Renee Mendoza and I will be sharing space with other terrific bankruptcy lawyer and litigator Wayne Silver who keeps us on our toes.
The new address is
643 Bair Island Road Suite 403
Redwood City, CA 94063
The phone remains 650 694 4700. You can also reach us at 650 368- 4700. On the web, we’re found here at Bankruptcy in Brief and at Bankruptcy Soapbox.
We will continue to represent consumers and small businesses with financial issues. We are particularly interested in helping homeowners who’ve completed Chapter 13 cases and have residual problems with their lender’s accounting; also, we’re focused on helping bankruptcy filers whose creditors continue to hound them (illegally) after their discharge.
Recent changes to bankruptcy law have created new options for small businesses, both individuals and corporations under SubChapter V of Chapter 11. COVID relief legislation has also made Chapter 13 more flexible.
Know too that the bankruptcy courts continue to operate almost entirely remotely so that bankruptcy hearings are conducted by Zoom or by telephone.
One last bit of news: Cathy was named a Bay Area SuperLawyer in bankruptcy, for the 15th year in a row.
Give us a call if you want a thorough look at your financial options for dealing with debt.
Image: jmdigne under Creative Commons license.